Post 5: My Future Job

When I chose my career I thinked about how much I like the scientific investigation. It was a very important factor to take a right choise. Since the begining I think in that idea. With the pass of time It was confirmed, when I graduate I want to be a biochemical researcher. I imagine this job in a laboratory with a team. I want to research in the clinical area invesitgating about diseases and contributing to find new treatments to most important diseases of the world. 

I like a lot to travel and meet people, I think I would be very happy if I can mix my job with traveling. I would like to work in other countries where the development of science is more advanced than Chile. I think it could be in Germany, United States or China.

I want to get a enough salary to lead a quiet life, I don't how much it could be but if it's enought it's fine for me.

In this moment I'm studing biochemistry but in the future I would like to graduate in pharmacologics or some related with clinical studies.

I'm not sure about the future but the most important thing for me is beeing happy with my future job, and to be rewarded for it.  


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